DOWNLOAD User Registration Form

New users need to download and fill out the User Registration Form and submit the form before/on the first appointment. This form is used for the billing information, therefore, periodically we may ask the users to update the form. A new form is needed when the grant is expired or changed.

DOWNLOAD Cell Sorting – Biosafety Assessment Form

Due to the fact that cell sorting generates aerosols and the cells are generally not fixed, the biohazard risks are greater than in analytic flow cytometry. Therefore, a Cell Sorting Biosafety Assessment Form has to be filled out prior to doing the sort. We are equipped with a BL2 biosafety cabinet to perform sorts on infectious samples, but the sorting or acquisition of potentially infectious samples must be discussed with Jessica Cervelli.

The PI/Requestor of the sort must have the appropriate biosafety approvals from the RU institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC). Material that will require IBC approval includes:

      • Unfixed primary or established human/non-human primate cell lines, and/or;
      • infected/transfected/transformed cell lines (regardless of origin), and/or;
      • Bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi

DOWNLOAD Kaluza Dongle User Agreement Form

As a condition of renting our Kaluza Dongles, all users are required to sign a User Agreement Form that we will keep on file.

Useful Links

Spectral Viewers/ Fluorochrome Tables



General Flow Cytometry

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