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Leica DMLB Fluorescent Microscope with Jenoptik Digital Camera

Fluorescence is one of the most commonly used physical phenomena in biological and analytical microscopy, mainly because of its high sensitivity and high specificity. Fluorescence is a form of luminescence. Fluorescence microscopy allow users to determine the distribution of a single molecule species, its amount and its localization inside or outside of a cell.

The Leica DMLB upright microscope is optimized for fluorescence microscopy with a fiberoptic halide arc lamp and filter sets to detect FITC (excitation: Band pass 470/40; emission: Long pass 515), DAPI (excitation: Band pass 360/40; emission: Long pass 425) and rhodamine (excitation: Band pass 540/45; emission: Long pass 590). A separate filter for the detection of Pacific Blue (excitation: Band pass 405/30; emission: Long pass 450) is also available. The Jenoptic CF Scan digital camera and resident software allow for capture and overlap of bright field and fluorescent images.

Location: Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, William Levine Hall, Room 002